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tv   ABC7 News 600PM  ABC  July 5, 2012 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT

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ignore and handed a stunning victory. when this not guilty verdict was read, will lynch hugged his attorney, family, then emerged from the court house to a emotional crowd, spoke for the first time. >> this one motivating factor is trying to protect other children from father jerry. >> lynch's parents and sisters say they're overwhelmed he has the freedom he deserve autos we couldn't ask for more than they with right now. we're thrilled. we are and i just know how my brother stuffed and attempted to create a life for himself. >> the assault trial stemmed from the 2010 confrontation lynch had with a former priest he says raped him and molested his brother in 1975. the district attorney says he respects the jury's decision but also said the felony charges were appropriate. >> and yes, yes, i'm
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disappointed. we filed charges and understand the circumstances but those reasons are really about sentencing and not about the fact that this client was committed. >> despite number russ twists and turns, lynch took the stand and testified about how father jerry lindner raped him at age 7, acts tormented him as an adult. >> all around the united states people are finally, now, regarding issue of the sex abuse of children as something we won't tolerate. >> lynch says healing is far from over. but says he will start a nonprofit to help other victims. >> from my experience this brought me certain clo shurks a found a voice and feel like i can probably gelt on with my life. >> will lynch said what he did was wrong and on the
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misdemeanor assault charge, the jury voted 8-4 in favor of a guilty verdict. the district attorney swril a week to decide whether to refile that charge. >> there is more on a story we brought you at 5:00. firefighters remain on the scene in brentwood. a brush fire destroyed a home this afternoon. sky 7 captured this video of the scene on brentwood boulevard. fire broke out just after 4:00 p.m. flames burned through a field, before reaching the house, nobody was hurt. >> and new details tonight more family members of a young prostitute under arrest for killing of a pimp in san francisco. there is vic lee live with the latest. >> there are arrests that took everyone by surprise including the defense attorneys.
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and he is the cousin of barry guilton who was charged with killing a man they claimed pimped their 17-year-old daughter. there are family and friends came for arraignment. they were formally charged in qex the murder of calvin snead, the man reportedly prostituting the teenager. he was shot in this car june 4th. >> yesterday afternoon officers from park station arrested antonio guilt onon grove street here in san francisco and then, around 11:00 last night, officers from the violence reduction team arrested alfonzo williams in fairfield, california. >> according to the complaint the two met barry guilton in hays valley on the afternoon of the murder, williams obtained a handgun, they drove to the bay view and waited for
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calvin snead. complaint says when snead drove by, barry guilton shot him in the head. this is his lawyer. >> he's an innocent man and we look forward to fighting this case. >> did he not could it? >> he's an innocent mant man and we look forward to pleading the case. >> and mr. guilton was afraid for his taughter's safety and took every step he thought was reasonable in dealing with his daughter. >> my client is a mother concerned about the safety and the danger her daughter was n she did not commit murder. >> and now, guilton and williams pleaded not guilty in court today and this judge set bail for $2 million each.
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>> thank you. >> tonight the santa cruz county sheriff says it's going to delay releasing findings in the pablo sandoval sexual assault case. the sheriff's office was going to release this report this week, but they have received new information so now, that report won't come out until next week. >> a san jose family staring at 18 years in prison tonight over felony charges for severely neglecting a dozen mentally disabled adults. here are four members of the family. the district attorney's office says the family ran an unlionsed care home. police entered the home they didn't find any running water, rotting food, animal, waste, and malnourish adults. in two visits, officers took away 46 dogs. the defendants are out on bail and face a court hearing a week from monday. >> developing news. chp investigating whether a 2
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and a half year old child was hit by a car in rodeo this, happened just before 4:00 on dempsey way. this is video of the scene from sky 7 hd and this child was found in the street. investigators aren't sure if the toddler was hit by a car. the trial taken as a precaution. >> bay bridge commuters are fuming about a monumental traffic mess this morning. traffic at a stand still for hours on the lower deck and police say this is because of a drunk dwrifr a gun. and we're live with a look at what happened. >> a drunk driver with a gun, and a record. the chp says the 29-year-old from oakland was the driver of the car that led to the back up on the lower deck this morning. he was taken into custody for dui and weapons charges but
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they say he was on parole for human trafficking. and this is the of 2005 booking photo for that charge. this morning it was another kind of traffic, that happened after roberson crashed a car. >> starting at about palm street exit, traffic more stopped than go on 101 north this, is what it looked like at 8:30 this morning. commuters headed eastbound could expect a delay of two hours getting across the lower deck of the bay bridge. most drivers had no idea what they're getting into when heading out of the cars. >> i just drove in. yeah. i don't know what is going on. >> the bus drivers kept saying there is some accident in the bridge. >> all but one lane of the bridge were closed about eight hours this morning the chp and san francisco police could process this crime scene. this car raced past the chp at
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1:30 this morning and crashed just east at the curve. chp stopped to help, but the driver didn't want help. and he had a gun. >> there is a shooting. the vehicle travelled another00 feet and became disabled. >> both driver and passenger taken to the hospital with injuries from the crash. there is no one shot. the chp says the passenger was a 26-year-old woman from australia treated and released from the hospital. >> and a muni bus hit a man in the outer richmond district. sky p shows where it happened just before 3:00 p.m. at cabrillo and la playa streets. the fire department used air bags to free the man whose arm was pinned under a wheel. police believe the victim got
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his foot caught in a gutter and lost balance and fell into the path. it appears the driver did not see him but stopped once realizing what happens. the victim is recovering in san francisco general hospital. >> there is a stalled train blocking traffic. a problem with a wire causing delays on the k, l, and m lines throughout the twin peaks tunnel. crews on the scene trying to fix the problem there. is no estimate for when service might resume. bus shuttles are running between the vanness station and west portal station. >> and oakland police asked hokeal merchants if there is any surveillance videos that might help them capture a hit and run driver. a bicyclist died after being struck about 9:30 last night. this is the crime scene from skip 7 hd. it's dark but a witness told police a car hit the man. evidence found at the scene
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suggests it dragged him at least 100 feet. officers found skid marks on pavement. >> someone breaking -- braking to avoid. they saw what he were trying to avoid. and it was a pretty lengthy skid mark. and then, they took off ak celebrate raited. >> the coroner is trying to identify the victim. he appears to be in his 40s. police urge you to please call them if you know anything about this accident. >> and just ahead, the search for a police dog spooked by the fire work autos also research being done by south korea that could set off a new international fire swarm over whaling. >> and potentially dangerous driving conditions one car maker could be now forced to tell drivers about thanks to an abc 7 news i team report. >> and i'm sandhya patel. hot air mass will be shifting west. i'll let you know what this is going to mean for weekend plans coming up. >> and plus, occupy movement takes over a new venue. the yerba buena cen
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hmm, it says here that cheerios helps lower cholesterol as part of a heart healthy diet. that's true. ...but you still have to go to the gym. ♪ the one and only, cheerios
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>> closed captioning brought to you by mancini sleepworld. a new international crisis may be developing with south korea announcement it plans to resume whaling. it's supposed to be for research there is talk of a boycott of south korean exports. david? >> south korea's decision to resume whaling for research is not sitting well here in monterey. marine research and whale watching go hand in hand. enforcement of the global ban has been difficult with
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another country dropping out there is concern that the agreement might collapse. there is no place like monterey bay where hundreds go whale watching every day. this was a day when they can see a minky whale. this photograph taken by whale watch this morning. the minky believed to be what south korea wants to hunt in the name of research. >> there is no requirement that there be any preapproval of what they're doing or that science has value. the japanese whaling has produced no useful science. >> the global ban has been in effect since 1986. critics worry south korea's action could weaken the ban, opening doors to renewed whaling and test the international whaling commission acts as a global watch dog. >> they try to get nations together, but it's a struggle, they've been struggling to keep this ban in effect. and you know, they may get
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overwhelm bid countries they're just going to defy you like norway, and iceland. >> abc 7 news has spoken to a researcher via skip and says research can be done without killing whale autos this is like other countries whaling it's probably going to end up in the food supply. they try to keep an eye on that by monitoring the fish market but this is hard to keep an eye on all of this. >> the south korean councilman had no comment. the action could lead to more confrontations between sea shepherd and a whaling boat in 2010. environmentalists vowing to step up interventions. but others say u.s. should take no action. >> i just think that they overdo it a little bit. and sometimes government gets involved in too much. >> and there is a difficult challenge given popularity of
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cars such as hyundai, keya and a array of electronic products. >> and monterey is the place to go watch whales. you can watch bull whales off the coast right now. blue whales like these are masting off the coast. they're attracted by increasing amounts of krill, the food they love to eat. whale watchers report seeing lots of hump backs. blue whale sightings are rare. >> and state engineers toured oakland today and didn't like what they saw. there is a team from i state agency patrolling this area near jack london square looking for debris. and this is video from sky 7 hd. engineers say the debris can cause navigational hazards and release pollution. >> there is abandoned tugs and
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fishing vessels. marine debris. a number of old, just old structures are going to have to be removed. >> the state applied for a grant to cover the cost of the project. the officials hope to start removing debris in january. >> and there is today, most areas have noticed a cooling trend. it's not going to last. upside is the fire danger that has been low. heading for weekend we're going into a climb in terms of temperatures. so get ready for some warmer weather. here is a live picture from our south beach camera. you can see there is fog just coming back in. and top of sutro tower there is about 1800 feet and that is a come back of fog and low clouds, most areas inen joyed sunshine this afternoon.
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and there are skies did clear out. the breeze was up, sea breeze and temperatures were down. there is a look at doppler 7 there is some fog athe coastline, otherwise, skies are clear, numbers into 60s and 70s around the bay area, 59 in half moon bay. highlights, low clouds and fog tonight clearing most areas tomorrow, with a warming trend this weekend. tomorrow, temperatures coming up a couple degrees you won't feel it until weekend. that is when this big ridge that has been baking the central and parts of the eastern united states will start to shift. and this is still providing them with hot weather. and there is heat warnings in effect from central plains to mid atlantic states but they'll get released sunday and they're go going to see cooler weather, possibly wet weather as this ridge shifts our way, we'll get some of
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that heat. they'll get cooler weather sunday, monday. but not until then. so with that ridge, do look for summer-like heat returning to the bay area, we're going to start with fog and low clouds, temperatures into 50s so comfortable into the morning heading out the door. then, fog will be burning off and there is a little patch that just lingers near the coastline. 80s inland. it's going to be warmer. but still cooler than average this time of the year. and this weekend, next week temperatures come back up where you should be for this time of the year. 79 in santa rosa. head out towards east bay a mild day. 83 in concord, 85 livermore, san jose p 9 degrees, san francisco, 66 and 62 in half moon bay. there is 72 degrees in
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watsonville. accu-weather forecast is a warming trend. minor tomorrow, bigger one coming. and mid-60s along the coast. and there is really warm weather there. coast side into mid-60s. countdown to the aids walk san francisco is on. and it will be held in just 10 days in golden gate park. and you can visit aids >> great time of the year. >> yes and dan ashley is going to be the mc of the event. >> thank you. >> and there are doctors develop a treatment to help people with
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a new laser technology is helping doctors restore clear vision to patients with more accuracy. >> abc 7 news has a look. >> there is carol that can make out images in a magazine. >> my husband sees continuings i don't see. he might say look at that over there. and... i'll go over where? >> so today she's going to have the cat rakt in the left eye removed.
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the surgeon planning to use a laser system developed here in the bay area. >> also, laser more precise and accurate. >> first, it takes a high resolution image of the eye then creates a map guiding lasers during procedures. >> i'm just going to guide the laser into this position. >> and there is a computer incision that is far more precise. >> this is remarkably better. and this is a a single cell. >> this was developed at stanford and a private company integrated it into a system designed to stream line the popular surgery. >> this is a most-performed procedure in the world. there are 19 million done per year.
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>> very smooth. >> with this path plotted the energy softens the tissue to make it easier to remove. after three minutes, carol moved into the main operating room. and after removing the cataracts, the doctors are ready to send her home, developers say lesson results in shorter recovery times. >> this is going to get sharper and sharper. >> abc 7 news. >> the catalyst received fda clearance, use doesn't typically affect insurance coverage. >> and there is more still to come and why one city appears to be getting the upper hand.
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>> debate heads to court why it may vary and getting car makers into trouble. here you go little man.
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[ humming ] [ babbling ] the cheerios bandit got you again? [ both laugh ] ♪ the one and only, cheerios ...and now... you! [ giggles ] ♪ the one and only, cheerios
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i'llwait... yeah...eryday valuwell, yeah, bacon.on. and my eggs sunny side-up. no, umm, over-easy. the $4 everyday value slam. one of 4 great choices for $4 off the 2-4-6-8 value menu. only at denny's.
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there is a big development tonight in the ongoing battle by san francisco sheriff to keep his job. abc 7 news i team learned moss mirkarimi's wife will testify in person after all. we first broke the story at 5:00. lopez is here speaking to dan noyes in her native venezuela, where she's been since march. the defense team told dan lopez will testify july 18th or 19th. they've asked the city to pay for the flight saying mirkarimi has run out of money because he was suspended without pay after pleading guilty to misdemeanor domestic violence charges. the i team learned a group of private donors will pay for the flight and say lopez will be a strong witness in his defense. >> an unusual move by senators
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today voted to temporarily release a serial killer to help search for victims remains. wesley sherman tin is on death row for his part in the speed freak killing giving investigators map that's led to the remains of four victims in san joaquin county. new searches could open as many as 72 northern california missing persons cases. >> and a number of people in oakland continued their tradition of using illegal fire works to celebrate the 4th of july but police and residents of east oakland say this wasn't as bad as previous years. abc 7 news joins frus oakland now with more. nick? >> there is enough explosions to light up the sky last night, opd said they wanted people to know they would be looking for those using illegal fire works and engaging in celebratory
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gunfire. >> clean up efforts were minimal. >> less fire works meant less damage, less clean up. >> it's been chaotic on years past but seems this year citizens heeded requests from opd. >> this year, police worked hard to warn people to mark the holiday. from above sky 7 caught this display across oakland. light and color. the evidence of sell braigsz that litter the curve hf man's neighborhood. this case of used rocket flares promised to be as loud as dynamite. others, crash, burn, bottle rock yets and flaming balls of fire next to this case of exploding missiles but with the fire works he noticed something different. >> this is way better, a lot of colors and people. it wasn't no gunshots like that. justifier work autos police say efforts paid off. >> i believe our message was
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successful. citywide message was to have a safe 4th of july. >> last night there were no arrests and no reports of injuries due to the use of fire works. this is used to distinguish between gunfire and fire works giving ability to pib pinpoint the location and inform officers of the situation and sent units in only minute autos it's important. and this is especially officer safety. >> messaging this crew from the public works department hopes is repeated next year. >> and public works says there is a financial benefit because of the low amount of trash and no damage reports they were able to deploy resources into other directions so it seems to be a win, win for the city. >> and there is santa clara officers hope one police dog
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will find his way home after fire works stared -- scared him so badly that he ran away. he lives in the sacramento suburb of roseville. the german sheperd jumped a fence after his partner let him out for a few minutes last night. santa clara and roseville officers searched today and police want to you call them if you see ove of -- evoo. >> state assembly voted to authorize the sale of bonds to watch construction of the high speed rail project. the state senate votes tomorrow, passage isn't a sure thing and some are questioning the wisdom of spending for high speed rail service when spending on schools are being cut to the bone. >> issues of the why we're cutting other programs this is -- dmoit vote for it. i think the plan is potential for failure. >> and according to the latest field pole the project only
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has 43% support. a new report by the watch dog group common sense warns it will end up costing $200 billion than $68 billion. >> two hours of congress calling on the maker of a popular. u -- suv to educate owners. many jeep owners call it death wobble. a shaking in the front end that makes the car shimmy violently. there is an investigation that revealed 600 complaints about the condition mostly on jeep wrampkeler. south bay congress woman are calling for an outreach campaign including notifying of right after this skpk providing possible solutions for repairing the problem. chrysler saying vehicles meet or exceed every government safety standard and have excellent reports.
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>> there is a lively debate by gas mileage offered by one car. >> michael finney joins us now with a report on miles per gallon advertised and what you get. >> that is right. yours may vary. then there is a today no laughing matter. a legal fight begins over those numbers and how they're advertised. there is louis bird filling up his hund yi. he takes good care of it. take a look at this book. every time he buys gas he writes down how much he bought and how far he's gone. >> about 26,000 miles, i have an overall gas mileage rating of 29.92. >> that, he says is the problem. look at the sticker that came with his car, city miles per
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gallon? 29. highway mpg? 40. this small print shows in the city mileage could go as high as 34 miles per gallon and highway, as much as 47 mpg. >> my mileage isn't close. i have tracked every single gallon of gas in this car. and from when i got it there is a debate about just how many miles per gallon the 2011 and 2012 elanras get. here is the video posted by usa today technology reporter. >> this is promising and i've got 22 miles per gallon average. call me disappointed. i am. >> and this is impressive strides in fuel economy. >> consumer reports has a video finding it could be very good. >> there is nearly 40 miles
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per gallon on tests. >> there is a report saying tests demonstrated better fuel economy. a a.approaching 50 miles per gallon in the highway and mid-30s for drivers. and there is others that are unmoved. they've filed a lawsuit claiming these advertisements concentrate on 40 miles per gallon and don't follow federal rules about clarifying that number. >> this point isn't whether one out of 100 people could get the miles per gallon. one out of 99 are not likely to get it. car companies sold the cars based on the fact every customer would get it. that is the point. >> i contacted hyundai and it issued this statement saying it's standing behind the fuel economy ratings that have been
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repeatedly substantiated by testing and by the driving the legions of buyers, and bit epa itself. there is hma stands behind advertising and intends to contest watch dogs allegations. and hyundai says third party testing often finds ratings lower and consumer reports says this lawsuit can stand as a warning to all car maker autos thank you. >> and still to come race for the white house heats up. there is a possible hint about mitt romney's running mate. >> now be the time to buy a
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>> the white house kicking into high gear and it's one of several key battle ground states. it's a tour taking him to pennsylvania and focusing on the economy. >> there is job one. our mission is to give back to america, americans across the country once lost that sense of security. >> romney did not hold events today but the phone shall vice presidential choices did.
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and they're shadowing to push the message. >> barack obama's slogan is hey, it could be worse. mitt romney's slogan is "it will be better". >> ann romney hinted her husband was considering a woman as a possible running mate. >> americans are tired of being 2012 presidential campaign according to a poll only a third of the republicans and 45% of democrats find rates interesting now. 67% expect the last leg will be exhausting. >> and there is stocks finishing the day down, the dow closed down 47 points and nasdaq up slightly to close at 2976 and s and p closed down 6.44%. morgue rates hit a low. the new rate has dropped to 3.60%.
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the 15 year rate fell. and some good and bad news nationwide, initial unemployment claims dropped but in california, there was a jump with more than 8,000 new claims. >> just ahead, occupy movement takes over a new venue. >> there is
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hmm, it says here that cheerios helps lower cholesterol as part of a heart healthy diet. that's true. ...but you still have to go to the gym. ♪ the one and only, cheerios
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this is some good news, an update on a missing santa clara police dog has been found. he juched a fence when fire works scared him away but a private citizen took him to the spca so he is okay and has been reunited with his partner. >> that is great news. >> occupy poster art goes on display saturday. and don sanchez has a preview of images of the movement.
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>> this is striking. posters originated at the beginning of the movement being installed. artists and graphic designers created almost instant art but never expected it to wind up in a gallery like this. >> this is what the spaces and museums are for. to bring to it a different context to look at them as art and their power and look at their style. >> there are 25 artists shown here. the gallery work was the internet a lot. she chose 80 designs and narrowed them down to 50 for the show. saying she's impressed by the works and believes whether a visitor praises or condemns the occupy movement this is a testimony to the power the images could have. and they present it respected.
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>> take a step back and look at the object wind advisories a purpose. and a legacy, also. >> these are placed in context with art from earlier movements. these go back to 19 60s and founding of the black panther movement. what sim pressive here is work by artists and their motivation. not immune to controversy but thought provoking. >> think about how artists play an important role in political movements. >> the show is up through october 14th. >> and let's take a look at the weather. >> heat is coming but the rest of the country, they already have it they do. that heat is going continue with humidity making for dangerous runs from central u.s. to the east coast. 107 in st. louis there is 103
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in chicago. just be prepared. 100 in washington, d.c.. there is heat warnings there, continuing until sunday. here in the bay area we have our natural air conditioning keeping us from getting too hot into afternoon. we're going 66 in san francisco to 86 degrees in antioch. warmer inland. warming trend continues into the weekend and beyond. tuesday, warmer days mid-60s along the coastline. >> we understand you're helping people wake up these days. >> you bet. and there is not just the weather forecast i do. take a listen to this. good morning sunshine. do you know what they say about early bird? >> that is me with a wake up call for you part of an alarm clock app. just open up the app and set the clock. it goes off to the only will i
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get you up in a good mood but it loads news, weather forecast and traffic information you need. search for abc 7 news san francisco alarm and it's free. >> yes. >> and you sound like snow white. >> you do. >> how would you wake up on the wrong side of the bed with that voice? >> and i'm trying to get people in a good mood. >> we appreciate the [ male announcer ] now at your neighborhood subway: tonight, take it easy and enjoy your favorite soup, salad and hot, hearty sub. like the toasty big hot pastrami melt. get to your local subway for some dinnertime deliciousness tonight. subway. eat fresh.
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coming up at 9:00, it could put a stop to women watching their biological clock. the technique that could help them delay having kids and even menopause and malware on your smart phone. the app stealing adresses and spamming contacts. join us at 9:00 and 11:00. >> there is rick here giving us sports. >> and there is other bad news to talk about. >> freddy sanchez will have
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back surgery and will be out for the season. he was trying to recover from shoulder surgery when he hurt his back last month. it was turn back the clock day. giants wrapping up the series in washington, d.c. and there is a double down the line. the giants scored again in the 7th. there is a pablo sand joe value coming around. and there is matt cane until the 7th there is a single, another run scores now into the top of the 9th. giants lead and san francisco trying to avoid being swept. at wimbledon, serena williams serving up a tournament winning aces in the semi
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finals. other parts of the game just as sharp. there is a nice drop shot coming up. and there is some great mobility around the court and only fitting she'd close out with an ace this, will be the 7th final, facing poland. >> and there is a jason kid may be on the move, reported he is leaving the mavericks and meanwhile, lind has agreed to a three year, $30 million offer sheet. and the knicks have three days to match that over. >> at u.s. womens open hannah o sullivan shot four over par 76 at just 14 years of age. she begins her freshman year at monte vista high in august
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and there is the shot of the day and rolls to the bottom of the cup for an eagle. and there is a rough finish. stanford alum michelle wi didn't make enough of those and there is lizett solace in a three way tie for the lead. the ball just enough to get to the hole. and there the men at the green briar classic, steve stricker changed his mind. with his wife carrying his bag he shot a 100 par 69. what a great wife. tiger trying to win but misses a gimmie on 17 and there is a 71 and there is a shot behind
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leader vijay singh. first tee open begins tomorrow in monterey. 80 junior golfers from first tee programs across the country, one is jake olsen, who is blind, cancerous tumors took away his vilgs. despite that, he plays on high school golf team. his father helped him judge distance telling him what club to use. very inspiring guy. >> thank you. >> that is it for this edition of abc 7 news. >> we invait you to be part of the sleep train dream campaign. >> and that is right. go to abc 7 for latest news, weather, and traffi
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captioned by closed captioning services, inc. this is "jeopardy!" today's contestants are-- an analyst from arlington, virginia... a land protection specialist from traverse city, michigan... and our returning champion-- a web designer from camarillo, california... whose 1-day cash winnings total... and now here is the host of "jeopardy!"-- alex trebek!


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